Who We Are

We are a group of passionate individuals on a quest to give independence to the over 2 billion people worldwide affected by blindness and vision impairment.  Through usage of state-of-the-art computer vision, natural language processing and text-to-speech techniques, we are able to accurately describe what is in the field of vision of the user.  Beyond just identifying objects as current systems do, we provide a real-time description of events as they occur and the interaction between the objects along with the backdrop of the scene being viewed.  This level of detail provides an accurate description of the world to our users so that they can visualize and experience the world around them and travel with independence.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to bring independence to the lives of the 2 billion people living with visual impairment.

Problem Statement


The visually impaired are often faced with limited independence as they perform tasks that are visually-oriented such as traveling outdoors, performing tasks in and out the home, and even just putting together a matching outfit.


Our Solution

Computer Vision

Using the state of the art in computer vision technologies we are able to identify over 80 different objects including 11 different styles of clothing.

Natural Language Processing

With verbal commands provided to our system we are able to accept audio commands without the user having to interact with their device.

Text to Speech

Our system narrates back to the user objects and activities occurring around them in real-time.

”The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”

– Helen Keller

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